Get Your Gavel Helmet Looking New
Did you get some scratches on your that new pretty carbon fiber helmet from riding in the trees? The pads get a little dirty? No problem. Read below on how to clean your helmet and get the inside and outside looking new.
The internal pads can be removed very easily. JUDGED suggests you hand wash these with cold water and let them air dry.
Wash the pads with cold water and a mild soap or just grab some shampoo. Rinse the soap off with the cold water. If you notice leftover soap please do not from twist or anything aggressive that may stretch it out. Press the pads to remove excess soap and water.
Place the pads on a towel with the soft side up and let them air dry. Once the pads are dry install them into the helmet.
The shell is covered by a clear coat that can be taken care of like most valuable cars. We do not suggest wet sanding or anything aggressive. A simple wash with dish soap, hand polish with non-aggressive polish and car wax will do the trick.
We suggest you wash the helmet with hot soapy water. Dish soap works well and will remove all oils soaps, but you must wax the helmet after.
Follow the directions for the car polish you chose. Do not choose an aggressive polish and we suggest hand polishing. A helmet should not require an extreme amount force to polish. 3m polish has always worked well for us and can be found many places.
Feel free to wash your helmet again.
Wax the helmet just like a car and how the wax manufacture suggests.